As a child, I remember wishing so often that I was from the big city. I dreamed of living in a teeny little apartment, in the middle of a glamorous city. I could see myself jetting off to a high-rise building every morning to my shiny job and enjoying gourmet food every night in the best restaurants. But this…was not my destiny.

I grew up in a small town, a very small town, right smack-dab in the middle of nowhere…or everywhere, depending on how you look at it. Missouri is a great place to grow up, and a great place to live, once you realize how much beauty exists here. The beauty grows in the rich family traditions, the small towns where everybody know everybody, the land and all those who are brave enough to farm it, and the distinct four seasons that never cease to fill me with wonder.
For a long time, I took for granted all the great experiences I had as a child. I learned gardening skills from my grandma, an expert though necessity. She learned to grow and preserve food, in a time where she and her six brothers and sisters had no choice but to learn it or starve. I learned to fish and respect the great outdoors with my grandpa, who also grew up with family living largely off of the land. I watched my dad work harder than I’d ever seen anyone work to keep the cattle fed and healthy. And I got to grow up in a kitchen with my mom, where I learned all the tricks to being a country gourmet. I am so thankful.
So, after years of living in a larger town, my husband and I decided to move onto some land. We built our home on some beautiful acreage. While it’s certainly not in the deep woods, it is much different than being in the middle of town. We have started our adventures in gardening, hunting and raising chickens. It is such hard work but so rewarding. I thought I knew quite a bit, but I am learning every day. There is truly no better teacher than experience.
I am in complete awe of people who farm for a living. Wow. Despite doing everything right, nature can take it all away in a heartbeat. It takes incredible skill and fortitude. I feel very fortunate to be gaining these experiences and have decided to share them. This content is not for the hardcore farmer. You guys know what you’re doing. It is for people like me, who love doing it for the health of it and of course, to save money. I will try to share my learnings, along with a little….ok, a lot…of humor. I hope you enjoy.
Hugs and blessings always,
Love your blog, Jen. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for taking the time to check it out. It was a pleasure to talk with you. I look forward to speaking with you again. Your advice has been helpful as I plot my next steps. Thank you!