Well….here I am.  Getting ready to start something I NEVER thought in a million years I would EVER do.  I’m going to write about chickens.

Yep, you heard me right.  I’m starting a blog about chickens.

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You may be saying in your head (or even out loud), “What a nut job.”

It’s true.  I admit it.  I may not be in my right mind, but it sounds like so much fun.  And I can’t resist any longer.

Chickens have become a hilarious part of my day.  I have eight….currently.  It can vary by two or more pretty regularly.  I love them but have learned to accept they are not brilliant animals (hello, my name is Jennifer and I know chickens are NOT smart).  It’s taken months of hands on therapy for me to get to this point.  I get it.

But…they are so sweet.  Each chicken has it’s own distinct personality.  They’re easy to please.  They are uncomplicated.  And best of all, they are always ecstatic to see me walking towards them.  Does it get much better than that?!?!

On a down note, they do poop a lot.  And I mean A LOT!  It’s an awful smell.  Trust me, I’ve crawled around in it.  Not good.

I can’t wait to tell my stories.  I’ve had many people say to me, “You should write these stories down!  You can’t make this stuff up.”  It’s true.  You truly can’t make it up.  It’s too ridiculous.  And even though I know I should know better (I grew up in a VERY small town), I am a believer in the concept that it never really sticks until you go through it (true of life lessons and chicken poop, ironically).

So….come along and follow me….I’ll give you a smile for your day and if you are interested in getting chickens, I’ll give you hope that even the lamest farmer (I realize that’s a strong word for what I am) can do it.  You can learn from my mistakes and even ask me your craziest chicken question.  I may not know, but as it turns out, I have a wealth of chicken resources in my family.  Who knew?!?!

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And if chickens are not your thing, I’ll throw in some other topics that might be.  One of my goals for the summer is to grow a giant pumpkin.  Not sure why.  It just sounds like all kinds of fun.

Here’s to new adventures!  And laughter.  Where would we be without either? 

Hugs and blessings always,



9 Comments on The Chicken Diaries, Chapter 1

  1. I don’t normally read blogs, but you are way too funny that I could not pass up a story! I can’t wait until your next post, this was suspenseful!

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